Head of the wild life chain

Lion is known to be the King of Beasts (king of the jungle)across most cultures of the world. This is mostly because of a lion’s appearance and partly because of the social structure of a pride and the lion’s role in the pride. Lions range in color from yellow to dark brown, with a long tail that ends in a furry black tuft. The male lion is unique among the cat species for its thick mane of hair encircling the neck and head.
Lions are the only big cats to live in groups, called prides. Prides are close family groups. African lions are the most social of all big cats and live together in groups or “prides”

A pride consists of about 15 lions. Male lions defend the pride’s territory while females do most of the hunting. Despite this, the males eat first. They spend between 16 and 20 hours each day resting and sleeping. They have few sweat glands so they wisely tend to conserve their energy by resting during the day and become more active at night when it is cooler.
Lions range in color from yellow to dark brown, with a long tail that ends in a furry black tuft.

The male lion is unique among the cat species for its thick mane of hair encircling the neck and head.
“They’re the least afraid of anything of all the predators,” says Craig Packer, an ecologist with the University of Minnesota and one of the world’s foremost lion experts. Though female lions hunt gazelles and zebras, male lions are in charge of hunting large prey that must be taken down with brute force.

Wildlife: The big picture

For many years, wildlife was defined as animal species that could not coexist with human beings in their habitat. This definition was inclusive of the animals that human beings had not yet mastered the art of living with, such as the lion and tiger, and reptiles like snakes.

Over time, just as bulky mobile phones have developed into sleek smart phones, the definition of wildlife has embraced more and more components.

Wildlife now includes plants which have been untouched by the activities of humans, such that they complete their entire life cycle without the influence of human beings.

Though the question of whether the definition of wildlife is really true as some hold the thought that it is not possible for anything to fully exist without the influence of human beings, the object of this article is not to debate whether or not wildlife depends on the activities of man, but the components of wildlife and its relevance to mankind.

Certain plants have been added to the wildlife group based on features such as the following.

The premier feature of certain plants that makes them qualified to be classified as wildlife is the way they are scarce in certain localities. Certain plants are very common, such that they are readily available around human beings, so much that it is clear human influence has played a role in their life cycle.

A second and more recognized feature is the presence of more defensive adaptations such as hairs, thorns, prickles, poison to render then less likely to be eaten by humans and animals.
It is believed that the more adaptation mechanisms a plant has, the less likely humans are to domesticate them.

Until recently, most animals and reptiles were deemed undomesticated and wild. Now, due to technology, people are able to call snakes pets because they have had their venom removed and so they are not as harmful. Circus acts, and amusement parks have made money off these pets as well. In some parts children seem to find it amusing when you have a more scary pet for show-and-tell. This may ignite the presumption that soon, not many living things would be deemed wild and inaccessible by humans.

Wildlife is rather lucrative, though.

Many countries have turned their forest areas into tourist attractions, generating massive income for them. The Kakum National Park of Ghana, and Kruga Park of South Africa are a typical example. People travel far and wide to explore these reserves.

Wildlife is also a matter of nationwide interest. Both international and national channels capture scenes from the nation’s reserves and make into documentaries. People even research on extinct species. Some people enjoy watching such channels, for research, and entertainment as a whole.

Wildlife affects the lives of many people. Whether just for exploration purposes, or for research, or entertainment, wildlife adds a little spice to people’s lives.

Picture credit:https://goo.gl/images/yy2MmQ